Results for 'Anouk van der Wieden'

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  1.  16
    Hoe politiek mag onderwijs zijn?Anouk Zuurmond & Piet van der Ploeg - 2022 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 114 (4):391-409.
    To what extent can politics be part of education? Recent incidents indicate how educational activities aimed at raising political awareness are perceived by some as forms of ‘indoctrination’. This article explores, firstly, how philosophical perspectives might help us understand the notion of indoctrination in education. Drawing on the work of Hannah Arendt and Michael Hand, two notions of ‘indoctrination’ are discussed and subsequently problematized in light of classroom practices. Expanding our perspective to the larger historical context of reflections on education (...)
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    How to Form Good Habits? A Longitudinal Field Study on the Role of Self-Control in Habit Formation.Anouk van der Weiden, Jeroen Benjamins, Marleen Gillebaart, Jan Fekke Ybema & Denise de Ridder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Reflecting on the action or its outcome: Behavior representation level modulates high level outcome priming effects on self-agency experiences.Anouk van der Weiden, Henk Aarts & Kirsten I. Ruys - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):21-32.
    Recent research suggests that one can have the feeling of being the cause of an action’s outcome, even in the absence of a prior intention to act. That is, experienced self-agency over behavior increases when outcome representations are primed outside of awareness, prior to executing the action and observing the resulting outcome. Based on the notion that behavior can be represented at different levels, we propose that priming outcome representations is more likely to augment self-agency experiences when the primed representation (...)
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    Frame Reflection Lab: a Playful Method for Frame Reflection on Synthetic Biology.Marjoleine G. van der Meij, Anouk A. L. M. Heltzel, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse & Frank Kupper - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (2):155-172.
    Synthetic biology is an emerging technology that asks for inclusive reflection on how people frame the field. To unravel how we can facilitate such reflection, this study evaluates the Frame Reflection Lab. Building upon playfulness design principles, the FRL comprises a workshop with video-narratives and co-creative group exercises. We studied how the FRL facilitated frame reflection by organizing workshops with various student groups. Analysis of 12 group conversations and 158 mini-exit surveys yielded patterns in first-order reflection as well as patterns (...)
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    Prime and probability: Causal knowledge affects inferential and predictive effects on self-agency experiences.Anouk van der Weiden, Henk Aarts & Kirsten I. Ruys - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1865-1871.
    Experiences of having caused a certain outcome may arise from motor predictions based on action–outcome probabilities and causal inferences based on pre-activated outcome representations. However, when and how both indicators combine to affect such self-agency experiences is still unclear. Based on previous research on prediction and inference effects on self-agency, we propose that their contribution crucially depends on whether people have knowledge about the causal relation between actions and outcomes that is relevant to subsequent self-agency experiences. Therefore, we manipulated causal (...)
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    Healthcare Professionals’ Acceptance of Digital Cognitive Rehabilitation.Ineke J. M. van der Ham, Rosalie van der Vaart, Anouk Miedema, Johanna M. A. Visser-Meily & Milan N. A. van der Kuil - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    With technological possibilities in healthcare steadily increasing, more tools for digital cognitive rehabilitation become available. Acceptance of such technological advances is crucial for successful implementation. Therefore, we examined technology acceptance specifically for this form of rehabilitation in a sample of healthcare providers involved in cognitive rehabilitation. An adjusted version of the Technology Acceptance Model questionnaire was used, including the subscales for perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, and intention to use, which all contribute to actual use of a (...)
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    A Pilot Study of Behavioral, Physiological, and Subjective Responses to Varying Mental Effort Requirements in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.Gabry W. Mies, Pieter Moors, Edmund J. Sonuga-Barke, Saskia van der Oord, Jan R. Wiersema, Anouk Scheres, Jurgen Lemiere & Marina Danckaerts - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A logical approach to the dynamics of commitments.J. -J. Ch Meyer, W. van der Hoek & B. van Linder - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 113 (1-2):1-40.
  9.  27
    Succinctness of Epistemic Languages.Barteld Kooi, Wiebe van der Hoek, Petar Iliev & Tim French - unknown
    Tim French, Wiebe van der Hoek, Petar Iliev and Barteld Kooi. Succinctness of Epistemic Languages. In: T. Walsh (editor). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11), pp. 881-886, AAAI Press, Menlo Park.
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    Proof-number search.L. Victor Allis, Maarten van der Meulen & H. Jaap van den Herik - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):91-124.
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    The ARSQ 2.0 reveals age and personality effects on mind-wandering experiences.B. Alexander Diaz, Sophie Van Der Sluis, Jeroen S. Benjamins, Diederick Stoffers, Richard Hardstone, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Eus J. W. Van Someren & Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The Roles of Social Value Orientation and Anticipated Emotions in Intergroup Resource Allocation Decisions.Suzanna Awang Bono, Job van der Schalk & Antony S. R. Manstead - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    You do not find your own face faster; you just look at it longer.Christel Devue, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Serge Brédart & Jan Theeuwes - 2009 - Cognition 111 (1):114-122.
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  14. Quantum mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action. Proposals for a Formalized Epistemology.Mioara Mugur-Schächter & Alwyn van Der Merwe (eds.) - 2002 - Kluwer Academic Publisher.
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    Editorial: Towards a Meaningful Instrumental Music Education. Methods, Perspectives, and Challenges.Andrea Schiavio, Luc Nijs, Dylan van der Schyff & Marja-Leena Juntunen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16. Introduction: Exploring Adam Smith's theological contexts, sources, and significance.Jordan J. Ballor & Cornelis van der Kooi - 2022 - In Jordan Joseph Ballor & Cornelis van der Kooi (eds.), Theology, morality and Adam Smith. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Which Problem of Adaptation?Willem van der Deijl - 2017 - Utilitas 29 (4):474-492.
    One widespread argument against the efficacy of subjective well-being as a measure of well-being is the adaptation problem as formulated by Sen and Nussbaum: the phenomenon that people may adapt to deprivation and find satisfaction or happiness in objectively bad circumstances. It is not generally noticed that there are two distinct arguments for why the phenomenon of adaptation is a problem for subjective well-being as a measure of well-being. The Axiological Adaptation Argument is a counter-example to theories of well-being that (...)
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    Cognitive Structures in the Perception of Modern Technologies.Cees J. H. Midden, Ivo A. Van der Lans & Dancker D. L. Daamen - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (2):202-225.
    Results of two survey studies are presented. It is shown that attitudes of the public about "technology in general" are not stable and can easily be affected by how the subject is introduced. Eight areas of technology are compared on the basis of empirical relations in attitudinal judgments, in attribute ratings, in self- assigned importance weights of attributes, and in importance of reference groups and persons. On the basis of similarities in these four kinds of judgments, three clusters of technology (...)
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    Voluntary Informed Consent Is Not Risk Dependent.Sara A. S. Dekking, Rieke van der Graaf, C. Michel Zwaan & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (4):33-35.
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    Axioms for Logics of Knowledge and Past Time: Synchrony and Unique Initial States.T. French, R. van der Meyden & M. Reynolds - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 53-72.
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  21. Traces left on visual selective attention by stimuli that are not consciously identified.Piotr Jaskoski, Rob H. J. van der Lubbe, Erik Schlotterbeck & Rolf Verleger - 2002 - Psychological Science 13 (1):48-54.
  22.  17
    (1 other version)Nature and Logos: A Whiteheadian Key to Merleau-Ponty's Fundamental Thought.William S. Hamrick & Jan Van der Veken - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Exploration of Alfred North Whitehead's influence on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's ontology of nature.
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    Nurses' participation in the institutional bioethical debate in the netherlands.Brigitte Prevos & Arie van der Arend - 1994 - HEC Forum 6 (4):235-256.
  24. Social Value.Hans van Delden & Rieke van der Graaf - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  25.  10
    Reasoning in Ethics and Law: The Role of Theory, Principles and Facts.A. W. Musschenga & Wim J. Van der Steen - 1999 - Routledge.
    Legal and moral reasoning share much methodology, and they address similar problems. This volume charts two shared problems: the relation between theory, principles and particular judgments; and the role of facts and factual assertions in normative settings. The relation between 'theory' and 'practice' and between 'principle' and 'particular judgment' has become the subject of much debate in moral philosophy. In the ongoing debate, some moral philosophers refer to legal philosophy for a support of their views on the primacy of 'practice' (...)
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  26. Grote filosofen over de mens.A. Van der Wey - 1971 - [Utrecht,]: Bijleveld.
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    Petrus Johannes Theobaltus Koekemoer - teoloog saam en soos die kerk.S. J. Botha & H. G. Van der Westhuizen - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (4).
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    The identity of the recipients of the Fourth Gospel in the light of the purpose of the Gospel.Won-Ha Hwang & J. G. Van der Watt - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (2).
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    A bimodal simulation of defeasibility in the normative domain.Tomer Libal, Matteo Pascucci, Leendert van der Torre & Dov Gabbay - 2020 - In Tomer Libal, Matteo Pascucci, Leendert van der Torre & Dov Gabbay (eds.), Proceedings of FCR-2020. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. pp. 41-54.
    In the present work we illustrate how two sorts of defeasible reasoning that are fundamental in the normative domain, that is, reasoning about exceptions and reasoning about violations, can be simulated via monotonic propositional theories based on a bimodal language with primitive operators representing knowledge and obligation. The proposed theoretical framework paves the way to using native theorem provers for multimodal logic, such as MleanCoP, in order to automate normative reasoning.
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    Paul Dirac on his eightieth birthday.Asim O. Barut & Alwyn van der Merwe - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (2):187-188.
  31.  47
    Dynamic ethics.Wibren van der Burg - 2003 - Journal of Value Inquiry 37 (1):13-34.
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    Asymmetries in spatial perception are more prevalent under explicit than implicit attention.Benjamin Noël, John van der Kamp, Matthias Weigelt & Daniel Memmert - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34:10-15.
  33. What happiness science can learn from John Stuart Mill.Willem van der Deijl - 2016 - International Journal of Wellbeing 1 (6):164-179.
    Many researchers studying subjective wellbeing (SWB) understand SWB as a concept that is close to Bentham’s notion of happiness. This conception of happiness is philosophically controversial, because it treats pleasure as a homogenous experience. I analyze an important deviation from Bentham in John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism and its relevance for SWB research: qualitative differences in pleasurable experiences. I argue that in cases where lives involving qualitatively different experiences are compared, Mill’s qualitative perspective is incompatible with an important assumption in the (...)
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    Strategies in sentential reasoning.Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Yingrui Yang & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (4):425-468.
    Four experiments examined the strategies that individuals develop in sentential reasoning. They led to the discovery of five different strategies. According to the theory proposed in the paper, each of the strategies depends on component tactics, which all normal adults possess, and which are based on mental models. Reasoners vary their use of tactics in ways that have no deterministic account. This variation leads different individuals to assemble different strategies, which include the construction of incremental diagrams corresponding to mental models, (...)
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    Inclusion Practice in Lung Cancer Trials.Patricia Jaspers, Arie van der Arend & Rinus Wanders - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (6):649-660.
    This article presents the results of a qualitative study on the ethical aspects of inclusion practice for radiotherapy patients taking part in clinical research. The study focused on the standards and values of this process. Patients and physicians were interviewed about their views and experiences. Analysis of these interviews showed that candidate research participants need better protection from unwanted factors that could influence their choice about participation. Researchers need proper education about regulation, codes and directives in the field of research (...)
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  36. De malaise van de moderniteit.Charles Taylor, R. Houtepen & M. van der Marel - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (4):782-782.
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    Afrocomputation.Achille Mbembe, Bregtje van der Haak & François-Ronan Dubois - 2017 - Multitudes 69 (4):198.
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  38. Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 1991.D. Runia, R. van der Berg, R. Radice, K. -G. Sandelin & D. Satran - 1994 - The Studia Philonica Annual 6:122-150.
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    Effect of visibility of the loci on recall using the method of loci.Simon Kemp & Christopher D. van der Krogt - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (3):202-204.
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    Encyclopedia of Technological Progress, 2nd Edition: A Systematic Overview of Theories and Opinions.Johan Hendrik van der Pot - 2004 - Eburon Publishers, Delft.
    The scientific advances made in the last two centuries have drastically improved the quality and structure of human existence. Exploring the history of that technological progress, and the numerous and complex elements that propelled its development, the _Encyclopedia of Technological Progress_ attempts to comprehensively classify the theories and hypotheses proposed in modern human history on the effects, meaning, and control of these advances. This massive and learned reference work draws on a wide range of disciplines in its study of technological (...)
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    To Eugene Paul Wigner on his eightieth birthday.Asim O. Barut & Alwyn van der Merwe - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (1):3-5.
  42. How action understanding can be rational, Bayesian and tractable.Mark Blokpoel, Johan Kwisthout, T. P. van der Weide & Iris van Rooij - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    AGM Contraction and Revision of Rules.Guido Boella, Gabriella Pigozzi & Leendert van der Torre - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (3-4):273-297.
    In this paper we study AGM contraction and revision of rules using input/output logical theories. We replace propositional formulas in the AGM framework of theory change by pairs of propositional formulas, representing the rule based character of theories, and we replace the classical consequence operator Cn by an input/output logic. The results in this paper suggest that, in general, results from belief base dynamics can be transferred to rule base dynamics, but that a similar transfer of AGM theory change to (...)
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  44. Focus and Natural Language Processing.Peter Bosch & Rob van der Sandt (eds.) - 1995 - Ibm Deutschland.
  45. Questiones Longe Super Librum Perihermeneias.Jean Buridan & Ria van der Lecq - 1983 - Krips Repro Meppel.
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  46. In memoriam Herman Ysbrand Groenewegen.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1930 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 35:559.
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    Open Questions in Quantum Physics: Invited Papers on the Foundations of Microphysics.G. Tarozzi & Alwyn van der Merwe - 2011 - Springer.
    Due to its extraordinary predictive power and the great generality of its mathematical structure, quantum theory is able, at least in principle, to describe all the microscopic and macroscopic properties of the physical world, from the subatomic to the cosmological level. Nevertheless, ever since the Copen hagen and Gottingen schools in 1927 gave it the definitive formu lation, now commonly known as the orthodox interpretation, the theory has suffered from very serious logical and epistemologi cal problems. These shortcomings were immediately (...)
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    Public Announcements and Belief Expansion.H. van Ditmarsch, W. van der Hoek & B. Kooi - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 335-346.
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    Premise independence in judgment aggregation.Gabriella Pigozzi & L. van der Torre - manuscript
    ment on the same propositions, and is plagued by impossibility re- 2. What is the role of independence in judgment aggregation sults. In this paper we study the central notion of independence in..
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  50.  13
    Facts, Values, and Methodology: A New Approach to Ethics.Wim J. Van der Steen (ed.) - 1995 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Science is not value-free and ethics is not fact-free. Science and ethics should be similar, but they are not. The author indicates how research in ethics is to change in the face of this. Ethicists should accommodate empirical work in their programs and they should take heed of methodologies developed in science and philosophy of science. They should abandon the search for a single overarching theory of morality. Controversies in ethics are often spurious for lack of articulate methodological key concepts. (...)
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